Friday, March 15, 2013

Raising Yoder's Barn

Raising Yoder's Barn
Jane Yolen
 This book is about an eight year old Amish boy, named Matthew Yoder. His family's barn and windmill is destroyed by a fire when lightning strikes it one night. The community gathers and help the Yoder's rebuild their barn. 

 This is a wonderful book. It is also an excellent book for children to learn about the Amish culture.The main character in the story is an eight year old Amish boy who is telling about an awful event that took place on his farm one summer. When lightning strikes his family's barn they do not have a phone to call the fire department. Instead, his little brother has to ring a bell to summon the neighbors to come help try to put out the flames. Being Amish they did not arrive in cars but in wagons, on horseback, and on foot. They had to form two lines to try to put out the fire with buckets of water. For students who have been exposed to the Amish culture this is an excellent story to expand their understanding of their lifestyle and faith. For those children who have never been exposed to Amish culture this is a great story to introduce them to another culture within the United States of America. 
It is a very age appropriate even though he is from a very different culture his fears and feelings are much the same as any eight year old boys would be. He is worried that people will think he is too little to help rebuild the barn. But, he ends up with one of the most important jobs of the day, relaying instructions to the men. Throughout the story the reader see's Matthew dealing with the issue of losing part of their lively hoods and dealing with adolescent fears in a positive way. For instance when they are finished building the barn instead of gloating he simply whispers "Amen," which speaks volumes to his feelings of accomplishment and self worth. 
This book celebrates the worth of interdependence, tradition, hard work, cooperation and communities coming together to help each other out. It is a definite must read for children in kindergarten and up!

Genre and Age:
Realistic Fiction Picture Book 
Ages 5-8 and up

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