Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Thoughts for Little People

Big Thoughts for Little People
Kenneth N. Taylor

Summary:  This is an ABC concept book that teaches young children Christian values along with their alphabet.
EvaluationI love this book and highly recommend it to all parents of young children! My girls truly enjoy reading this book together. Big Thoughts for Little People teaches 26 lessons, one for each letter of the alphabet. It is great for children ages 2-6 years who are beginning to learn their alphabet because the lessons always rhyme and are very interactive. For example: "B's for behave; It means doing what's right. Be happy and helpful; Don't argue or fight." Then it has a very short devotional for the child to do with the parent that incorporates their knowledge on the subject as well as the illustration in the book for that letter. Example: "Do you know what 'behave' means?" Then they look at the illustration on that page to see who is behaving. Each lesson concludes with a bible verse they can memorize and associate with the letter and lesson being taught.  

My girls favorite letter page is V.
V is for Visitors; Help them have fun,
And play and be friendly
With all, not just one.
It is wonderful to have friends. You can go to their house to visit, or they can come to visit you. Sometimes you can eat lunch together, or you can play outside or have fun making things. When you have visitors you must remember to play happily together and take turns with your toys. And remember to play with each of your visitors, not just the ones you like best. Then everyone will have fun.
1. How many children in the picture are coming to visit?
2. Tell the names of your friends who come to your house to visit.
3. What are some things you do together?
Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or play to stay for the night. 
1 Peter 4:9

The only part of the book that I think could have been done a little better are the illustrations. They are well done but I believe they could use more vibrant colors to capture the reader's attention more. Nonetheless, my children do not seem to have a hard time deciphering the pictures to answer the questions or finding the ladybug hidden in each one.
All in all this is a great book for teaching the concepts of letters as well as good manners, courtesy, Christian principles, and respect. It appeals to preschool and kindergarten age children because it is so interactive and full of rhyming fun. Highly recommend!

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